the ghazimoradi's

Just another site

New Year’s

by christyfg

For New Years we went to Atlanta. Jenny, Kevin, Maddy and Scott were there from Germany and Jacob was home from BYU. We ate a lot of good food. On New Year’s Eve we loaded up all the babies and went to hike Stone Mountain. It was lots of fun. I took a tram ride back down with the kids and Jacob. It was fun. The best part was Maddy telling Jacob and Tanner that she “is the princess”. Jenny, Maddy and I went to get pedicures one afternoon and I went back to treat myself to a manicure. As soon as we got there we showed Hal and Maddy the Frost tradition of following a string to get your presents. Grandma and Grandpa spoiled everyone. Hal got more train tracks, a race track a book called “Where’s the poop?” and Hot Wheels. Tate got clothes, links, a book called “Too Purpley”. Reza and I each got money and other things like socks, scarfs and gift cards. Jenny and Kevin brought us lots of German chocolate and one of those candle spinny things.

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by christyfg

We spent Christmas here at our new home. Romina came back to celebrate with us. We love having Grandma around. Hal had been asking for a trash truck for several months and Santa came through! He also got the requested dark blue slippers and a play kitchen. Tate got shoes, a book and I don’t remember what else. She’s a baby. Grandma bought the kitchen as well as sweet cowboy boots for Hal and pretty shoes for Tate. And a necklace for me that says Hal, Tate and our anniversary date. Reza got me a beautiful artist signed, limited edition photograph of the flowers of Ohio Stadium. I can’t wait to frame it and hang it in our newly updated den/office. It also snowed on Christmas! Hal loved it. Oh and Reza got Star Wars legos and Hal loved building them. It was a dream come true for Reza.DSC_8445 DSC_8447 DSC_8450 DSC_8453 DSC_8466 DSC_8483 DSC_8499 DSC_8552 DSC_8560 DSC_8571 DSC_8578Also, sorry the pictures are dark.


by christyfg

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We went to Bass Pro Shops to visit Santa. Hal is not impressed. Christmas seemed to sneak up on my this year. We I lots of plans of things to do, but not much did. We had the biggest tree ever which was great, and we enjoyed being in our house. Tate started to crawl a week or so before Christmas (at 6 months!). Hal loves Tate and wants to play with her, hold her and help her. He tells me how much he loves Tate and he often calls her Tatie. It is awesome. (Also, why does Hal want to pick his nose in every picture?) And Romina bough as an IPad for Christmas. Hal thinks it’s his.


by christyfg

Romina and Farrah came to join us for Thanksgiving this year. The highlight of the meal was the smoked Turkey we bought from Rudy’s BBQ. Oh and Reza had  a nose job to fix his sinuses and other stuff so he can breathe again. He is mad he didn’t do it earlier.DSC_8324 DSC_8298 DSC_8281 DSC_8277 DSC_8272 DSC_8267 DSC_8264 DSC_8240