the ghazimoradi's

Just another site

You decide

by christyfg



Okay so who do our babies look like? I would say people tend to say they look like Reza but I think they just are biased by the dark hair or something. I go back and forth.

Comparison 2

by christyfg

4 Months

5 months

Hanging Out

by christyfg


November has been pretty laid back. Hal and Tate are “playing”  more together. Sometimes I hear Hal say things like “Let’s play blocks Baby Tate”. Blocks are fun!” or “Here Baby Tate” he does a pretty good job sharing, and I love it when I see him give her a kiss. Tate is a bit of a screamer (like in the I have something to say kind of way) and sometimes I go “whoa whoa whoa Baby Tate”. Hal totally said that to her the other day. It was great.